Integrating AI into Middle School Science

Theory of Action

Project IntegrateAI’s theory of action centers on co-designing classroom activities with teachers through robust teacher professional development (PD) in NLP, and links these innovative technologies to meaningful classroom practice. The PD prepares teachers on the Big Ideas of AI, and supports their ability to integrate NLP into their science classrooms. This co-design approach ensures teachers feel ownership of the ideas they are teaching in their classrooms.

IntegrateAI Learning Environment Development and Iterative Refinement

The IntegrateAI learning environment provides students access to datasets, a curated set of code libraries for the NLP functions that accompany their science learning activities, and a structured interface, which provides a rich set of extensions to generate interactive graphs and visualizations.

Fostering Complex Problem Solving

Leveraging practices from Problem-Based Learning (PBL), IntegrateAI is designed to flexibly integrate with middle school science classrooms and provide rich, contextual, in-depth exposure to AI integrated into science. The integrated curriculum draws on the NGSS three-dimensional learning framework as a means to articulate key dimensions of AI integrated into science.